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Brooke Double R – Sports Car That Looks Like A Racer

Sneaking into the group of small but incredibly fast sports cars is the Brooke Double R. It was launched a while ago, but has been updated and improved by a couple of experienced engineers, and this lovely and tiny car is now in production. You get tremendous acceleration and cornering for your money.

Performance is sensational, and depends how much power you want. The most powerful Brooke Double R – 300 bhp – has a claimed 0-60 mph time of 3.2 seconds, while 260 bhp will get you to 60 mph in less than 4 seconds, and all the excitement that goes with that performance. To match it you will need a Noble M400 or Porsche 911 Turbo.

Clearly, the Brooke Double R is a real firecracker. The fact that the top speed is only about 155 mph – the same speed that many a supercar is limited to electronically – is not what it's about. It is acceleration, braking and cornering that gives the real thrill of driving fast, and you will get it here.

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Wild Rice | Eat The Weeds and other things, too

Wild Rice: Male flowers droop, the female flowers are erect.

Love and marriage, horse and carriage, Zizania and canoe… not exactly lyrical but you get the idea. If you want Wild Rice you have to go where the Wild Rice is, and that's in water, not greatly deep water, but water nonetheless. Emergent is the word.

Truth be known Wild Rice, Zizania aquatica, is not rice and often not wild particularly if you buy it in a store. But those are quibbling points. It's a popular and delicious grass grain, fairly easy to collect — if you know the technique — and nutritious as well. It was the staple of many Native America tribes, particularly in northern climates.  They fought wars over it. Wild Rice is one of my favorite wild foods though locally we are on the very end of its range.

Zizania palustris


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Know the Different Divisions of the Letter and the Value in Letter Writing

It is essential in the creation of the letters that your reason of writing is included. The recipient of the letter can easily understand your intentions in the letter. You also have to give importance in the formatting style of the letter. A business letter for example must contain all the necessary details about the company if the intention is to offer franchise to other businesses. By means of this, the recipient will be able to understand the terms and conditions for the specific business venture.

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Live blog of the New Hampshire primary – CNN Political Ticker

Manchester, New Hampshire (CNN) - Voters headed to the polls Tuesday in the Granite State, in the second step of the Republican presidential nominating process. Check back here for updates from our reporters and producers throughout the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire. Tune in live at 7 p.m. ET for CNN's live special coverage and follow real-times results at CNNPolitics.com and on Twitter at #cnnelections. Read more here. .

The New Hampshire contenders are former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Texas Gov. Rick Perry.

11:26 p.m. ET – @crowleyCNN: Tweeting down til next time

11:23 p.m. ET
– @mjaconiCNN: @newtgingrich and @RickSantorum's vote totals are a little over 300 votes apart: cnnpolitics.com

11:01 p.m. ET - With 81% of the precincts reporting, Romney has 38% of the vote, followed by 23% for Paul, 17% for Huntsman, 10% for Gingrich and Santorum and 1% for Perry.

11:11 p.m. ET – @SamFeistCNN: Turnout watchers: lots of NH vote still out. No votes reported so far from: Goffstown, Hampton, Hollis, Litchfield, Salem.

10:51 p.m. ET
- @SamFeistCNN: All of you predicting low turnout in NH: I think you might be wrong. Turnout in 2008: 241,000. Turnout today? Close.

10:41 p.m. ET - CNN Senior Political Analyst Ronald Brownstein: Romney Expands Appeal to Evangelicals, Tea Party in N.H.

10:18 p.m. ET
– @AriFleischer: Santorum is beating Newt by 22 votes. He loves doing that to people.

10:17 p.m. ET – Vice President Joe Biden held a video teleconference Tuesday night with New Hampshire supporters. A campaign official said the event was broadcast to more than 25 house parties in 24 cities across the state, according to a White House pool report. Biden listed what he sees as the president's accomplishments during his first term, and also criticized frontrunner Mitt Mitt Romney.

- Follow the Ticker on Twitter: @PoliticalTicker

Although he said Romney's comment about firing people was "probably take out of context," he said Romney's basic point was not.

"He thinks it's more important for the stockholders and the shareholders and the investors and the venture capital guys to do well for those employees to be part of the bargain," Biden said.

"Listen to Mitt Romney. He has no idea the bargain even exists, let alone is broken," he said. "How else can you say the best way to fix the financial crisis is by letting it all go down to the bottom?"

10:05 p.m. ET
– @crowleyCNN: The party's over twitpic.com/85u3pe

10:05 p.m. ET - @deirdrewalshcnn: 10p at @ronpaul HQ and staff already packed up their big banner on stage and packed it up to move on yfrog.com/hstwdavj

10:04 p.m. ET - Gingrich spoke to supporters at his campaign headquarters in Manchester, New Hampshire flanked by his wife and two daughters.

He said the New Hampshire vote is the second step of a long process. He reiterated his intention to head to South Carolina Tuesday night in time to campaign Wednesday morning.

10:03 p.m. ET – @DanLothianCNN: Post third place finish in NH, upbeat Huntsman's & friends in my hotel lobby pic.twitter.com/QWnoDkQ2

10:02 p.m. ET
– @crowleyCNN: Pondering two questions as we move on: what fuels this race beyond SC and is it bad luck 2 leave up Xmas decorations til February?

9:55 a.m. ET
– Santorum starts his speech to supporters at his headquarters by touting his quick rise in the state following his strong showing last week in the Iowa caucuses.

"We are going to go on to South Carolina," Santorum said.

He also said those who think the race will be decided in a few states in the "back yard" of a certain candidate (a reference to Romney) are mistaken.

9:41 p.m. ET - @AriFleischer: Romney must b the luckiest guy in politics. If no one drops out, he keeps going, and sounds like no one is dropping

9:40 p.m. ET - @JohnKingCNN: Huntsman borrows mccain staff, slogan, strategy but couldn't borrow his #nhprimary voters.#cnn yfrog.com/gz7dybcj

9:39 p.m. ET – "I love this state," Huntsman told the crowd at his headquarters. "My confidence in this system is reborn because of the people of New Hampshire."

9:35 p.m. ET - @DanaBashCNN: Just intv'd former nh belknap county chair Lynn Chong at @ronpaul hq. Supported Obama but switched to independent to vote Paul #cnnelections

9:34 p.m. ET
– @crowleyCNN: Huntsman says he's "in the hunt " currently losing by 20 points to Romney in NH

9:32 p.m. ET – @jimacostacnn: PIC Huntsman family on the hunt. pic.twitter.com/GMsqVwrA

9:29 p.m. ET - Huntsman on stage at his campaign headquarters in Manchester, New Hampshire: "Ladies and gentlemen, I think we're in the Hunt."

"I'd say third place is a ticket to ride ladies and gentlemen, hello South Carolina," he said to his supporters.

9:28 p.m. ET – With 49% of the precincts reporting, Romney leads the field with 38% of the vote, followed by 23% for Paul, 17% for Huntsman, 10% for Gingrich and Santorum and 1% for Perry.

9:16 p.m. ET - Paul told supporters he used to figure "the best I could do was set a record ... I didn't know you were out there." He said he now think he can be victorious.

9:11 p.m. ET – Largely young crowd at Paul event repeatedly chants "Ron Paul revolution bring us back our Constitution."


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Mad to Sad to Glad: A Portrait of Powerful Preaching and its Effects, Based on the Gospel for the 4th Sunday

There are four aspects of powerful preaching displayed by Jesus in this passage. As such, Jesus is not just a powerful preacher himself, but also models what it means to be a powerful and effective preacher.

In using the word "preacher" here we ought to be careful not to reduce preaching merely to what takes place in a church. For surely the clergy have churches in which to preach. But every Catholic parent ought also to learn from Jesus here, for they have the church of their home in which to preach, and the pulpit of the dining room table, the living room, or even the family car. Therefore we must all learn from Jesus' model of being a powerful preacher and teacher. Note then, three basic qualities of Jesus as a preacher and teacher:

I. PERSONAL  - The text says, Then they came to Capernaum, and on the Sabbath Jesus entered the synagogue and taught. The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes.

(The picture at the upper right is a picture of me and fellow parishioners standing of the ruins of the synagogue mentioned here. It is a very moving thing to stand atop the foundational ruins of the synagogue where Jesus preached both this sermon and the Bread of Life Discourse. Some of the ruins are later than Jesus' time but the foundations are clearly from that time. Amazing).

Note that the text says that Jesus spoke "with authority." The Greek word translated here as "authority" is ἐξουσίαν (exousian) meaning, at its root, "to (speak) out of one's being or substance." In other words, one speaks of what he experientially knows. He is not simply quoting what others say, neither is he merely quoting slogans and common sayings.

Jesus is distinguished from the Scribes who were famous for quoting each other and reputable and safe sources only. Of itself, this is good. But if it merely stops there, what makes preaching different from staying home a reading a book?

Too many Christians, including Catholic preachers, are content to live and preach by inference rather than experience. Too many are content to repeat what others have said, rather than to speak out of what they personally know, have seen and experienced.

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In recent years, Anhui Province Machine tool Focus on industrial upgrading and industrial enterprises to continuously improve core competitiveness. In the international financial crisis, some enterprises not only curbed the decline in the situation, but also maintained a steady and rapid growth. It is understood that these enterprises in the industrial upgrading and caught four main areas:

First, the development of large and efficient precision machine tools. With our infrastructure to expand and accelerate the development of industries, the demand for large high-precision machine tools increased. Anhui machine tool industry, some enterprises to seize opportunities and exploit momentum. Wuhu Red Machine Tool Co., Ltd. pioneered the development of 6-meter vertical lathe, to meet the metallurgical, mining industry needs, the user should wait after ordering goods; Hefei development of large-tonnage forging group interaction and 20,000 kN hydraulic press hydraulic head, popular cars, light Public sector welcomed this year in short supply, companies have to work overtime to produce; Wuhu Hengsheng Heavy Machine Tool Co., Ltd.


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Enemy Territory! – FPS hardcore action for Mac, Linux & Windows #free

Download Game

Attention all FPS lovers. Its time to pick-up your weapons, choose your allies, and gear up for war. We are talking about the iconic FPS, Return To Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Developed by Activision, the same developer who has churned out impressive titles such as Driver, Driver 3, Call Of Duty series, Crash Bandicoot series, just to name a few.

Enemy Territory was supposed to be an expansion pack to the RTCW game series, but a problem owing to the single-player aspect led to Enemy Territory being released as a free and open-source standalone game on 29th May, 2003.


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What product was secretly unveiled in this armored truck during CES? @ Eyecup.com

Read the rest of this entry »

Valentin Sama from DSLR Magazine mentioned on his blog that after signing a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) he was invited to this armored truck during CES with some other journalists to see a new "secret" product.

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3oh!3 - Set You Free lyrics (2012)

Artist : 3oh!3
The title song : Set You Free (Song Lyrics 2012)
Songwriters :--

Video 3oh!3 - Set You Free

3oh!3 - Set You Free lyrics

Who-ooh-ooh-ooh are you anyways
I can't count how many days you weren't here
The walls were closing in on me
But I don't live in there, no more

There's a place in my head
That repeats what you said
That repeats what you said that day

You're afraid the mistakes that you made
Dug your grave but baby
That's the price you pay

So don't shut down this town
Ain't big enough for both of us, whoa

And now I've found
You'll never get enough from me
So, baby, I'm a set you free
Yeah I'm a set you free


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Algae's Biofuel Bloom

Hundreds of millions of years ago, the earth was covered with shallow oceans filled with algae and other simple critters.

As landmasses shifted and grew, water was displaced, leaving thick masses of algal residue that were eventually buried and compressed.

Skip forward a few eons, throw in some heat and pressure and ta da . . . oil.

Then, in 1859, Colonel Drake drilled the first oil well in Titusville, PA, unleashing not only oil, but an economic juggernaut that would dictate our way of life for years to come.

The world began to use oil for everything from fuel to waterproofing, and since then has consumed over a trillion barrels. With such furious consumption--and no way to make more--world oil reserves are set to dwindle.

Essentially, we're going to deplete in less than 300 years what took hundreds of millions of years to form. And with the depletion of oil, alternatives are destined to emerge.

And, ironically, algae is one of them.

Biofuel Bliss

Research like that being done at the Colorado State University's (CSU) Engines and Energy Conservation Laboratory and the University of New Hampshire (UNH), suggests that algae could supply enough fuel to meet all of America's transportation needs in the form of biodiesel.

That's right . . . all of it!

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Best Ways to Use Decorative Window Film

Many homeowners have recently become aware of terms like solar screens, window tinting, and window film that seem to be gaining in popularity over the past few years.  If you have researched these things even a little then you probably know that most solar screens or kinds of window film are applied to the exterior of a window and mainly have a single use.  This is not the same as decorative window film.

The first difference is that it is applied to the interior of a window and has a variety of uses.  You can apply films simply for decoration or you can also use it for heat control, UV ray protection, increased privacy, or to cut down on glare.  Because of this wide range of uses there are also a lot of colors, styles, and options to choose from.


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    Tips Large And Small For Improving Your Financial Management Management Health

    If you are carrying a heavy student loan debt or facing the urgent need to refinance student loans, then these financial management strategies will be very useful for you.

    Personal finance is an essential part of life, but that doesn't mean you are naturally going to get the gist of things without the right training, education, and resources. If you are unprepared and unclear on the processes involved, you could make costly mistakes that you could have otherwise, avoided. Take these tips with you as you get into any type of personal finance projects that will require more understanding.

    Buying certain items in bulk can save you money over time. Items that you know you will always need, such as toilet paper or toothpaste can be bought in bulk quantities at a reduced prices to save money.