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Live blog of the New Hampshire primary – CNN Political Ticker

Manchester, New Hampshire (CNN) - Voters headed to the polls Tuesday in the Granite State, in the second step of the Republican presidential nominating process. Check back here for updates from our reporters and producers throughout the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire. Tune in live at 7 p.m. ET for CNN's live special coverage and follow real-times results at CNNPolitics.com and on Twitter at #cnnelections. Read more here. .

The New Hampshire contenders are former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas, former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Texas Gov. Rick Perry.

11:26 p.m. ET – @crowleyCNN: Tweeting down til next time

11:23 p.m. ET
– @mjaconiCNN: @newtgingrich and @RickSantorum's vote totals are a little over 300 votes apart: cnnpolitics.com

11:01 p.m. ET - With 81% of the precincts reporting, Romney has 38% of the vote, followed by 23% for Paul, 17% for Huntsman, 10% for Gingrich and Santorum and 1% for Perry.

11:11 p.m. ET – @SamFeistCNN: Turnout watchers: lots of NH vote still out. No votes reported so far from: Goffstown, Hampton, Hollis, Litchfield, Salem.

10:51 p.m. ET
- @SamFeistCNN: All of you predicting low turnout in NH: I think you might be wrong. Turnout in 2008: 241,000. Turnout today? Close.

10:41 p.m. ET - CNN Senior Political Analyst Ronald Brownstein: Romney Expands Appeal to Evangelicals, Tea Party in N.H.

10:18 p.m. ET
– @AriFleischer: Santorum is beating Newt by 22 votes. He loves doing that to people.

10:17 p.m. ET – Vice President Joe Biden held a video teleconference Tuesday night with New Hampshire supporters. A campaign official said the event was broadcast to more than 25 house parties in 24 cities across the state, according to a White House pool report. Biden listed what he sees as the president's accomplishments during his first term, and also criticized frontrunner Mitt Mitt Romney.

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Although he said Romney's comment about firing people was "probably take out of context," he said Romney's basic point was not.

"He thinks it's more important for the stockholders and the shareholders and the investors and the venture capital guys to do well for those employees to be part of the bargain," Biden said.

"Listen to Mitt Romney. He has no idea the bargain even exists, let alone is broken," he said. "How else can you say the best way to fix the financial crisis is by letting it all go down to the bottom?"

10:05 p.m. ET
– @crowleyCNN: The party's over twitpic.com/85u3pe

10:05 p.m. ET - @deirdrewalshcnn: 10p at @ronpaul HQ and staff already packed up their big banner on stage and packed it up to move on yfrog.com/hstwdavj

10:04 p.m. ET - Gingrich spoke to supporters at his campaign headquarters in Manchester, New Hampshire flanked by his wife and two daughters.

He said the New Hampshire vote is the second step of a long process. He reiterated his intention to head to South Carolina Tuesday night in time to campaign Wednesday morning.

10:03 p.m. ET – @DanLothianCNN: Post third place finish in NH, upbeat Huntsman's & friends in my hotel lobby pic.twitter.com/QWnoDkQ2

10:02 p.m. ET
– @crowleyCNN: Pondering two questions as we move on: what fuels this race beyond SC and is it bad luck 2 leave up Xmas decorations til February?

9:55 a.m. ET
– Santorum starts his speech to supporters at his headquarters by touting his quick rise in the state following his strong showing last week in the Iowa caucuses.

"We are going to go on to South Carolina," Santorum said.

He also said those who think the race will be decided in a few states in the "back yard" of a certain candidate (a reference to Romney) are mistaken.

9:41 p.m. ET - @AriFleischer: Romney must b the luckiest guy in politics. If no one drops out, he keeps going, and sounds like no one is dropping

9:40 p.m. ET - @JohnKingCNN: Huntsman borrows mccain staff, slogan, strategy but couldn't borrow his #nhprimary voters.#cnn yfrog.com/gz7dybcj

9:39 p.m. ET – "I love this state," Huntsman told the crowd at his headquarters. "My confidence in this system is reborn because of the people of New Hampshire."

9:35 p.m. ET - @DanaBashCNN: Just intv'd former nh belknap county chair Lynn Chong at @ronpaul hq. Supported Obama but switched to independent to vote Paul #cnnelections

9:34 p.m. ET
– @crowleyCNN: Huntsman says he's "in the hunt " currently losing by 20 points to Romney in NH

9:32 p.m. ET – @jimacostacnn: PIC Huntsman family on the hunt. pic.twitter.com/GMsqVwrA

9:29 p.m. ET - Huntsman on stage at his campaign headquarters in Manchester, New Hampshire: "Ladies and gentlemen, I think we're in the Hunt."

"I'd say third place is a ticket to ride ladies and gentlemen, hello South Carolina," he said to his supporters.

9:28 p.m. ET – With 49% of the precincts reporting, Romney leads the field with 38% of the vote, followed by 23% for Paul, 17% for Huntsman, 10% for Gingrich and Santorum and 1% for Perry.

9:16 p.m. ET - Paul told supporters he used to figure "the best I could do was set a record ... I didn't know you were out there." He said he now think he can be victorious.

9:11 p.m. ET – Largely young crowd at Paul event repeatedly chants "Ron Paul revolution bring us back our Constitution."

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9:10 p.m. ET - @AriFleischer: Updated R nos from exit polls. Rs were 49% of voters & went Romn 49%; Paul 16%; Sant 13%; Gingr 12%; Hunt still last at 10%

9:08 p.m. ET - @donnabrazile: Just finished talking it up with fmr GOP Prez candidate Tim Pawlenty. He's quite excited and will hit the road tomorrow to SC & Florida.

9:08 p.m. ET - @DanaBashCNN: Hard to believe this is a gop primary victory rally, hearing the crowd chant "bring them home" re troops #ronpaul #cnnelections

9:05 p.m. ET
- @DanaBashCNN: Paul making pt (right pt) that his campaign is bringing the issue of the fed to the fore of politics #cnnelections

9:04 p.m. ET
– @DanaBashCNN: Room exploding w/ chante "President paul" when he says he is dangerous to the status quo #cnnelections

9:03 p.m. ET - Paul told his supporters Romney had a clear victory but, "we're nibbling at his heels."

9:02 p.m. ET – @PrestonCNN: Ron Paul takes a dig at the NH Union Leader: "I wanted to thank the @unionleader for not endorsing me!"

9:00 p.m. ET - Paul takes the stage at his Manchester, New Hampshire campaign headquarters to chants of, "President Paul, President Paul, President Paul..."

8:55 p.m. ET
- @jimacostacnn: Welcome to the Huntsman pirate ship... the scruffy bar turned campaign party where Huntsman will speak. pic.twitter.com/TeKhFk5p

8:50 p.m. ET – Perry responded to Tuesday's election results in a statement, saying the "race of [a] 'conservative alternative' to Mitt Romney remains wide open."

"I skipped New Hampshire and aimed my campaign right at conservative South Carolina, where we've been campaigning hard and receiving an enthusiastic welcome," Perry said in the release. "South Carolina is the next stop. I have a head start here, and it's friendly territory for a Texas governor and veteran with solid outsider credentials, the nation's best record of job creation, and solid fiscal, social and Tea Party conservatism."

8:49 p.m. ET - @AriFleischer: Newt is nowhere. Takes just 12% of Rs; 8% of Indys; 14% of conservatives; 14% of tparty backers.

8:46 p.m. ET – @deirdrewalshcnn: @ronpaul asked if he was buffer b/t other R s & Romney "we're next in line to him .. we're the only ones really in the race with him"

8:45 p.m. ET – @crowleyCNN: Except for mention of "desperate" republicans and reference to SC, Mitt gave general election speech

8:44 p.m. ET – @AriFleischer: Indys voted Paul 31%, Romney 27%, and Huntsman 23%.

8:43 p.m. ET - During an exclusive interview with @DanaBashCNN, Paul predicted he will be able to raise more money after a 2nd place win in New Hampshire, which will prove helpful has he heads to South Carolina Wednesday.

8:41 p.m. ET – @Soledad_OBrien: Final count in ward 3/ nashua nh/ romney 585, paul 321, huntsman 221, santorum 118, gingrich 100. 1788 total votes. Romney roughly 30pc.

8:39 p.m. ET
– @JohnKingCNN: 22% and 1 small town 4 hunstman. #nhprimary disappointment for him, but vows to stay #cnnelections yfrog.com/o03jwmj

8:38 p.m. ET – @deirdrewalshcnn: Crowd getting warmed up at @ronpaul HQ to the Rocky theme song

8:37 p.m. ET – @YellinCNN reports: An Obama campaign aide said “Romney may have won New Hampshire but the premise of his candidacy began to unravel in the last 48 hours.”

8:35 p.m. ET - @donnabrazile: Romney is channeling his inner Bachmann.

8:34 p.m. ET - @AriFleischer: Rs were 48 % of the voters (Indys were 47%). Rs gave Romn 45%, Paul & Sant 15%, Newt 12% and Hunt last w 11%.

8:29 p.m. ET
- @DanaBashCNN: @RonPaul hq a party atmosphere now. Big time. #cnnelections yfrog.com/hwh6soej

8:29 p.m. ET - In Tuesday night's speech Romney said "The president has run out of ideas and now he has run out of excuses."

8:27 p.m. ET - @AriFleischer: Paul again wins young voters (46% of those 18-29) and he won independents w 31%.

8:26 p.m. ET – Romney, addressing supporters at his headquarters, opened his remarks by saying "Tonight we made history ... Tonight we celebrate, tomorrow we go back to work." He then quickly pivoted to criticizing President Barack Obama.

8:25 a.m. ET
– Mitt Romney's wife Ann introduced her husband at Romney headquarters in Manchester, New Hampshire to chants of "Mitt, Mitt, Mitt..."

8:25 p.m. ET – @DanLothianCNN: Sealing the ballot box in Chichester, NH. Primary night wraps. pic.twitter.com/MQeYD77w

8:22 p.m. ET - @streitfeldcnn: Sununu said it would take Huntsman 45 years to rack up support in the other 49 states, based on his time in NH #CNN

8:21 p.m. ET - Responding to Huntsman's comments, former Gov. Sununu said Huntsman is not "any kind of threat" to Romney. The other candidates "collectively" are a threat, he said.

8:23 p.m. ET - CNN projects Paul will finish second and Jon Huntsman third in the New Hampshire Republican primary, based on exit polls and early returns.

8:18 p.m. ET
- @PeterHambyCNN: The appetite for Jon Huntsman down here in South Carolina is non-existent

8:17 p.m. ET - Huntsman live on CNN outside his war room told CNN Political Correspondent Jim Acosta that "there are at least three tickets out of New Hampshire." Even if he comes in third, Huntsman said he will not drop out of the race. He said he is now focused on South Carolina, the third state to vote. "We go South from here," Huntsman added.

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8:16 p.m. ET - Former New Hampshire Gov. John Sununu, a Romney supporter, told CNN Chief Political Correspondent Candy Crowley at Romney headquarters that Romney will unite the party when he wins the GOP nomination.

8:14 p.m. ET
- Shots of Huntsman in the Team Huntsman war room on CNN NOW.

8:06 p.m. ET – @JohnKingCNN: 13 percent of the #nhprimary vote. #cnnelections yfrog.com/h2jybczj

8:04 p.m. ET – @JohnKingCNN: Team @MittRomney believes its margin will grow as we get votes from MA border towns. #magicwall filling in red for romney. #cnnelections

8:01 p.m. ET - Paul and Huntsman are competing for second place, according to a CNN projection.

8:00 p.m. ET
- CNN projects Romney will win the 2012 New Hampshire Republican primary, based on exit polls and early returns. All polls have now closed in the state.

7:56 p.m. ET - @David_Gergen: Looks like a solid victory shaping up for Romney. Paul has convincing lead at moment over Huntsman. #CNNElections

7:55 p.m. ET – @jimacostacnn: Huntsman source tells me they are looking to some of the later returns. Precincts in the North and West. #FITN

7:52 p.m. ET – According to CNN New Hampshire Exit Polls (via @sinderbrandcnn): It's no surprise Massachusetts resident and 2008 primary candidate Mitt Romney had an advantage on the ground in New Hampshire: 38% of today's Republican primary voters said they were personally contacted by his campaign at some point. But who had the second-best ground game in New Hampshire? It's a toss-up between fellow 2008 candidate Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman, who essentially camped out in the state in the months leading up to today's vote.

The two relative latecomers to the race - Newt Gingrich (who didn't set up his New Hampshire campaign office until after Thanksgiving) and Rick Santorum (who didn't decide to make a real play for the state until last week) - both reached 10% of today's voters. Unsurprisingly, Rick Perry - who decided to skip serious campaigning in the state - reached just 1% of those who headed to the polls today.

7:43 p.m. ET - @deirdrewalshcnn: Supporters at @RonPaul HQ in Manchester snacking on meatballs, chicken strips; cash bar also getting some business as people trickling in

7:42 p.m. ET – @DanaBashCNN: At @ronpaul hq. Word from source in war room is they're feeling good w/ numbers they're seeing. Good = second place.

7:37 p.m. ET - There are 12 pledged GOP delegates at stake tonight in the New Hampshire Primary. In order to become the party's nominee for president, a candidate must receive a majority of votes from delegates attending the national conventions this summer.

7:35 p.m. ET - @MeganGrantCNN: Watching closely before their live hit from Romney HQ, Candy @CrowleyCNN, Donna Brazile, John Avlon and Mary Matalin pic.twitter.com/7VXlpVED

7:32 p.m. ET – @JohnKingCNN: Four percent of #nhprimary precincts. The Dem #magicwall work is easy, about to plunge into GOP math yfrog.com/oex5zabj

7:27 p.m. ET
– @JohnKingCNN: With 1% of the precincts reporting, Romney has received 38% followed by Paul with 23%, Huntsman with 16%, Gingrich with 12%, Santorum with 10% and Perry with 0%.

7:22 p.m. ET - @DanaBashCNN: This is what ron paul will see when he speaks tonight – shot from his stage #cnnelections yfrog.com/h688guzj

7:19 p.m. ET – @DanLothianCNN: Hand counting ballots in Chichester , NH pic.twitter.com/eCpzaDTY

7:18 p.m. ET
- @JohnKingCNN: POTUS getting 80 percent in early manchester count. Nice to be unopposed. #nhprimary #magicwall yfrog.com/ocnnjqdj

7:16 p.m. ET - @JohnKingCNN: #memories! Remember #nhprimary & the clinton '08 comeback? A #magicwall dream night. #cnnelections yfrog.com/oenw9btj

7:15 p.m. ET – @streitfeldcnn: The scene at Romney's Manchester HQ, where some volunteers are making last-minute voter calls yfrog.com/mgw9rgkj

7:14 p.m. ET - According to CNN New Hampshire Exit Polls (via @sinderbrandcnn): Did Newt Gingrich's complaints about unfair attacks from Mitt Romney's camp resonate with New Hampshire's voters? There's evidence they might have: 26% of New Hampshire's Republican primary voters in early exit polls said the former Massachusetts governor was the candidate responsible for the most unfair campaign - enough to earn him a spot at the top of the dishonor roll on that question.

But there's a chance that going negative over those negative ads may have backfired on Gingrich himself: he ran a close second on that question, at 22%. Ron Paul was third on the list, at 17%.

7:00 p.m. ET - Most polls have now closed in New Hampshire.

6:55 p.m. ET - @AriFleischer: Obama got 36.6% in NH D primary and McCain got 37.8% in NH R primary in 2008. We'll see what Romney gets...

6:53 p.m. ET - According to CNN New Hampshire Exit Polls (via @sinderbrandcnn): In New Hampshire - where unemployment barely cracks 5%, far below the national average - 6 in 10 GOP primary voters in CNN exit polls said cutting the deficit is a bigger priority than job creation. And two-thirds said they’re happy with the Republican primary field.

6:48 p.m. ET – @crowleyCNN: Now playing in Romney elex room The Beach Boys " Good Vibrations" party like it's 1966

6:39 p.m. ET – @YellinCNN: It was Gingrich to @johnkingusa. Gingrich predicted Romney gets 37% like Tsongas "when everybody thought he lost the election"

6:37 p.m. ET - According to CNN New Hampshire Exit Polls (via @sinderbrandcnn): Just as in Iowa, nearly half the voters in New Hampshire’s Republican primary (46%) didn’t make up their minds until the final few days of the contest, and roughly 1 in 5 didn’t decide on a candidate until Election Day.

What helped those late deciders make their presidential picks? One big factor, as it’s been all year, may have been the presidential debates â€" two of them held in New Hampshire within the race’s final three days. More than 4 in 5 of New Hampshire’s GOP primary voters say those faceoffs were important to their vote Tuesday.

6:36 p.m. ET - @YellinCNN: Who said it DNC or Gingrich? If romney can't break 50% (in NH) interesting to see him make the case that he's the presumptive front-runner

6:31 p.m. ET – Gingrich, who has taken issue with attack ads backed by a pro-Romney super PAC, said he hopes ads from a super PAC backing his candidacy are "accurate."

"[I] hope they're clear about what the facts are, that's a key part of this," Gingrich said on CNN's "John King, USA."

6:29 p.m. ET – Gingrich called into question Romney's judgment, character and values while discussing his past as CEO of Bain Capital during an interview with CNN Chief National Correspondent John King Tuesday.

6:24 p.m. ET - @crowleyCNN: Bipartisanship pic. Romneyite heavyweight B. Ginsberg w/ fmr. Gore camp. mgr& lifetime dem D. Brazile-sporting Romney volunteer pass twitpic.com/85rzpt

6:21 p.m. ET - According to CNN New Hampshire Exit Polls (via @sinderbrandcnn): Last week, 83% of caucus voters described themselves as conservative; 47% said they were “very conservative.” Today, just over half the New Hampshire Republican primary voters in early CNN exit polls (54%) call themselves conservative, and just 21% fall in the “very conservative” category â€" raising the question of whether the “Massachusetts moderate” attack Newt Gingrich debuted in Iowa might do quite the same damage to Mitt Romney in a contest where roughly three times as many voters describe themselves as moderate or liberal.

6:12 p.m. ET - On CNN's "John King, USA," Gingrich said Romney will have a hard time defending his record in the next contest state of South Carolina, a state he said is a must win for Team Gingrich.

6:07 p.m. ET
- @cwelchcnn: Volunteers phone banking at Huntsman HQ an hour before most polls close.. pic.twitter.com/lxJeWJis

6:04 p.m. ET – Richard Nixon won the New Hampshire primary more than any other candidate in history (1960, 1968 and 1972).

5:49 p.m. ET – @MeganGrantCNN: Words of wisdom from Donna Brazile at the #CNN workspace in NH pic.twitter.com/2BR3IBng

5:44 p.m. ET - Something at Romney's New Hampshire headquarters that was not at his headquarters in Iowa? Confetti cannons.

@crowleyCNN: Think they think they're gonna do all right? Confetti cannons are at the ready at MR elex room site. I'm all atwitter.

5:43 p.m. ET - Huntsman told CNN's Wolf Blitzer that attacks between the GOP candidates are likely to make a stronger Republican nominee in the general election.

5:41 p.m. ET - @crowleyCNN: Romney elex nite room weirdly like a hamster maze. See camera view of elevated podium inside a pen twitpic.com/85rjgg

5:40 p.m. ET - During an appearance on CNN's "The Situation Room," Huntsman said "he's actually electable," unlike Paul, who he said has "capped out" at 15% support.

5:22 p.m. ET – The Granite State supported GOP presidential candidates in 10 of the 11 presidential elections held between 1948 and 1988. In the 1990s, however, Bill Clinton carried the state twice. In 2000, Bush won here by one percentage point (48 to 47). In 2004, the state flipped back, going for John Kerry by one point (50 to 49). Barack Obama beat McCain here in 2008 by a 10 point margin.

5:20 p.m. ET - Per CNN Producer Mike Roselli, at Romney headquarters in New Hampshire: The teleprompters, which were quickly dispatched as the outcome became cloudy during Iowa caucus day last week, are visible Tuesday night.

5:16 p.m. ET - As of December 14, 2011, there are 767,383 registered voters in the state, 223,151 or 29.1% of whom are Democrats, 231,611 or 30.2% of whom are Republicans and 312,621 or 40.7% of whom are independents. The most recent figures represent a slight uptick in independent or "undeclared" voters since August.

5:13 p.m. ET - New Hampshire has a "semi-open" primary, which means registered party members may only vote in their own party’s primary. Independents (aka “undeclared” voters) may vote in either primary. Unregistered voters may register on Election Day for either contest. But only Republicans and independents may vote in Tuesday's GOP primary. Democrats may not vote in the contest. The deadline for Democrats to change their party registration and vote in Tuesday’s primary was October 14, 2011.

5:11 p.m. ET - Most polls in New Hampshire close at 7 p.m. ET. The last polls close at 8 p.m. ET.

5:00 p.m. ET - Update on turnout from New Hampshire Deputy Secretary of State David Scanlan (via @streitfeldcnn): Turnout has been "steady, people moving through the polls." Although there have been a "bunch of small" problems throughout the day, Scanlan said there were no major problems.

"Nothing that would affect the outcome of the election," he said.

4:49 p.m. ET - @jimacostacnn: Inside the media mosh-pit at #pollingpalooza #FITN #CNNElections on.cnn.com/zUxiPb

4:44 p.m. ET - @JohnKingCNN: couple #nhprimary early questions: what % of 2day's voters "undeclared" – or independent, and what % made up mind late. #cnnelections

4:42 p.m. ET - Santourm declined to predict an exact outcome in Tuesday's contest during an interview with WTPL Radio Tuesday:

Host: How you going to finish tonight?
Santorum: well
Host: Well?
Santorum: Well
Host: Well? Fourth?
Santorum: Well, fourth would be good. I’d be happy with fourth. Third would be better. Second would be unbelievable.

4:37 p.m. ET – Paul said he expects to come in 2nd in the New Hampshire primary, adding that a "real real close 2rd I guess is conceivable."

"We're pretty optimistic about tonight," Paul said on CNN.

He also acknowledged the difficulty in competing in Florida, the fourth state to vote on the road to the White House, because of the expensive media market.

4:33 p.m. ET - Responding to criticism from Gingrich over his foreign policy proposals and stance on illegal drugs, Paul told CNN lead political anchor Wolf Blitzer: "I guess he's worried that his appeal isn't quite as good as our appeal."

4:30 p.m. ET – Paul, appearing on CNN's "The Situation Room," again defended Romney over his "fire" comment, saying GOP rivals who are attacking Romney either "don't have the vaguest idea about the markets" or are "political demagoguing this."

4:23 p.m. ET - @CNNExpress: @soledad_obrien conducting an interview on board the baby. instagr.am/p/gDb_f/

3:38 p.m. ET - @AriFleischer: The three questions...Guess Romney's percentage. Who's second? Who's third? Good luck...polls close at 8:00PM eastern

3:30 p.m. ET
- Romney and Santorum on Boston radio station WRKO radio together Tuesday. Santorm said campaigning in New Hampshire is "quite an experience," to which Romney responds: "This is a great state. Politics in New England is an exciting sport and I hope you are enjoying it."

2:37 p.m. ET
– @jimacostacnn: And our media mosh pit w Gingrich: "Romney raised taxes. I fought to lower taxes. He was for gun control. I'm for the second amendment."

2:21 p.m. ET - @DanaBashCNN reports that Paul made a quick stop at the Webster School polling place in Manchester. When asked about Romney's "firing" comemnts, Paul said the former Massachusetts governor's comments are being taken out of context and that the attacks are unfair.

"I think they're taking him way out of context and reorganization is a proper function in the free market," Paul said. "So I think this is just typical politics and they're unfairly attacking him [Romney] on that issue."

2:11 p.m. ET
- Crowds gathered outside the Webster School polling station in Manchester. Look at the scene here, courtesy CNN's Bob Crowley.

1:55 p.m. ET
– Huntsman said Romney's comments about enjoying the ability to fire people makes him "unelectable."

"If you're going to make statements like that, you become pretty much unelectable," Huntsman told WJLA reporter Rebecca Cooper outside a polling station in Manchester. "Because if it isn't a Republican, it's going to be the Chicago campaign machine with a billion dollars at their sails that's going to take after comments like that."

1:48 p.m. ET
– @CNNExpress: Voting underway in the Amherst Street school in Nashua. instagr.am/p/gBmxP/

1:16 p.m. ET - @deirdrewalshcnn: @ronpaul supporters chanting "free the people! Freedom brigade" @ Manchester polling place yfrog.com/ntsf2uzj

12:57 p.m. ET
– @streitfeldcnn reports New Hampshire Deputy Secretary of State David Scanlan said the office expects record turnout in the Repubilcan primary because of "undeclared" voters who can vote for a Democrat or Republican.

He predicted 250,000 votes will be cast for Republicans.

"We're hearing that the turnout is steady. There aren't lines that are backing up but people are just constantly moving through the polling places," Scanlan said. "It's certainly what we would expect during a presidential primary."

12:05 p.m. ET - Democrats use the homepage of New Hampshire's largest newspaper, The New Hampshire Union Leader, to deliver some ad love to Granite State voters Tuesday. See it here. Not just about Republicans...

Team Obama did the same thing on the Des Moines Register website the day of the Iowa caucuses.

11:41 a.m. ET - @jimacostacnn: Romney has biggest presence outside Webster school followed by Huntsman and Paul. Omen? #FITN pic.twitter.com/Ux2VWJ6b

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