
What Are Ad Hoc Policies

what are ad hoc policies

Big Bear News KBHR 93.3

Big Bear, Ca, January 11, 2012, 8:00am -The Major Special Events Ad-Hoc Committee will meet again tonight at 4:00pm in the Civic Center Training Room.  The committee will continue discussing major special event policy by going over the purpose of the committee, reviewing current policy framework, and will discuss dilemmas and how to address them.  Currently the Old Miners Association and the Big Bear Lake Chamber of Commerce have requested to hold events on the same date and at the same location.
Policy-Driven Mobile Ad hoc Network Management (Wiley Series in Telecommunications and Signal Processing)
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Ritu Chadha
  The Old Miners want to hold their Chili Cook Off that has been around for years, and the Big Bear Chamber of Commerce, a business organization, wants to hold a BBQ fest both on the same date in July, and in the Bartlett Parking Lot.  According to City of Big Bear Lake Director of Intergovernmental/Community Relations Cheri Haggerty, dilemmas like this have happened before, and the committee will look to resolve the problem, and to develop a standard operating procedure for dealing with similar dilemmas in the future.  The committee will also discuss utilizing alternative venues for city events such as the Convention Center, Meadow Park, Rathbun Lot, Veterans and Rotary park.   The use of Bartlett Parking lot will also be on the discussion, and whether or not its use should be limited to once a month, and if it should be allowed for use at all during busy months such as July.
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Chris Smith
  The meeting is open to the public, and community members are encouraged to speak during public comment time.

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About Angela Meyers
Angela Meyers moved to Big Bear in August of 2009, after spending a summer in Washington DC.
Angela's parents Roy and Susan Meyers met at Big Bear High School in 1967, and her Grandfather Rob Jacobson worked at the Big Bear Lake Post Office for 28 years. Angela graduated from California State University, Fullerton with a degree in Public Relations. While at CSUF she was the Director of Public Relations for the Associated Students for two years. Angela is a member of the Big Bear Valley Trails Foundation, The Big Bear Cycling Association, and races for, and is the co captain of Team Tough Chik, an all women's multi sport team.

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